Wednesday 30 August 2017

Practice Sheet 2 on Exponents

  •    Write in power notation:

(a)    (-7)×(-7)×(-7)×(-7)
(b)   (5/3)×(5/3) ×(5/3)
  • 2.       Express in power notation: (a)(-1/128)  (b)27/64
  • 3.       Express as rational number: (a) (-4/5)3   (b) (-3/4)4  (c)  (-6)-1
  • 4.       Find the reciprocal: (-4)3
  • 5.       Simplify:
(i)                  (-4)0
(ii)                (40+70)
(iii)               (5/4)-4(5/4)2
(iv)              (2/3)3×(6/4)2
(v)                (5-1-7-1)-1
(vi)              ((-2/3)2)3
(vii)             (-3/2)3÷(-3/2)6
  • 6.       By what number should (-4)-1 be multiplied so that the product is (-6)-1?
  • 7.       By what number should (-3)-1 be divided to get (-8)-1?
  • 8.       Find x: (3/5)3×(3/5)-6=(3/5)2x-1
  • 9.       (9n×32×3n-27n)/ ((33)5×23)=1/27, find the value of n
  • 10.   Simplify: (24×102×25)/(52×63)

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